back to school 2015 :: 10 things I've learned from college

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Can you believe that in ~2 weeks, I'll be a junior? I can't. Freshman year was amazing and went by so fast, sophomore year was okay and went by... shockingly slow. I'm hoping this year will be the best yet!

1). It's okay to be alone. 
           Before college, I would have never gone to a restaurant and eaten alone. Sitting alone was awkward and I felt out of place and stared at. Now I have no problems going to Starbuck's and sitting by myself, or even going to a restaurant and eating an actual meal. Alone.
2). You can do anything, but not everything.
           Don't over-do it. You don't need to be president of every club, take 18 hours, work two jobs for experience, have an internship, and go to every professor's office hours.
3). Don't be afraid to change your major (just talk to an advisor to stay on track).
4). You don't need a 4.0 GPA to get a job. 
5). You're already paying to be there, so utilize what your college gives you.
           Free admission to your school's games, free counselling at the health center, free food.
6). If you hate what you're studying, you'll probably hate it when it's your job.
7). Taking 19 hours might not be for you, and that's okay.
           Don't look at other students taking 16+ credit hours and feel like you're falling behind. If you know what your limits are, don't push them too much. Taking one less class and having enough time and energy to focus on all of your classes is better than taking the max and leaving yourself drained, stressed, and with mediocre grades.
8). When it gets to be too much, go back to the basics.
           For a moment, stop thinking about your 10-page paper that your computer failed to save and is due the next morning. Take a breath, take a shower, get dressed, let yourself focus on something small and manageable. It's easier said than done, but with time you can master it.
9). Stop your FOMO.
           That means stop being afraid of missing out. You don't have to go to every house party, every meeting, every freshman mixer, etc. Take a break from studying and living life in the fast lane to think about yourself. Go home for a weekend, visit a new lunch spot, spend the afternoon DIYing something.
10). Don't wait.
           This applies to so much. Don't wait until you've sunk to rock bottom during your senior year to go to advising. Don't wait to apply for that job you don't think  you'll get. Don't wait to ask the person you always see at the dining hall for their number. Don't wait to take that class that sounds so interesting.

Have any questions about college or life in general?
You can ask me on any of my social medias!
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