Can you believe that in ~2 weeks, I'll be a junior? I can't. Freshman year was amazing and went by so fast, sophomore year was okay and went by... shockingly slow. I'm hoping this year will be the best yet!
back to school 2015 :: 10 things I've learned from college
Can you believe that in ~2 weeks, I'll be a junior? I can't. Freshman year was amazing and went by so fast, sophomore year was okay and went by... shockingly slow. I'm hoping this year will be the best yet!
photo backdrops that won't make your wallet sad! :: DIY days
Whether you have no backdrops and are just taking pictures wherever you can or if you're tired of using the same backdrop over and over again, this post is for you!
back to school 2015 :: roommate + suitemate do's and don'ts
I was lucky (and thankful) to have been in a dorm without a community bathroom, but that meant my roommate and I had to share a bathroom with two other girls. And whoever they brought over. Which included half of campus, apparently. But just because I had a bad experience, it doesn't mean you will! And, with these handy tips, you can avoid becoming a bad experience. :-)
back to school 2015 :: the best and worst professors I've had & a review
When I was in high school, every "college" movie I watched seemed to make the professors out to be horrible (Legally Blonde, anyone?) or extremely strict. My high school was always very relaxed, so the idea that I'd have to suffer for four years scared me. Thankfully I've been lucky to have a lot of amazing professors so far. Granted, I've only been in school for four semesters, but that's long enough for people to make lasting impressions.
back to school 2015 :: balancing college and a job (full or part time)
College is hard. Work can be hard. Balancing them both?
When you've neve done it before, it can seem impossible.
I didn't get a job until the second semester of my freshmen year for a few reason.
- I still had money from graduation presents and work over the summer
- I had a meal plan and an awesome family that helped by giving me food to eat in my dorm
- I was new. I didn't know the area, the state, or any people. I didn't have a car and had never used public transportation before, so I was scared.
I had work study, so I could have worked on campus, but I don't think I would have been able to balance being a first-semester freshman and working. So I waited. And when I did get a job, I started out with about 24 hours a week and worked my way up to 40+ hours when I knew I could handle it. So how did I do it?
back to school 2015 :: book bag reviews + what's in my bag!
So for the month of August I'll be participating in a Back To School linkup with and many other fantastic bloggers! I hope you're all ready to get your back to school hype on because I have been for like... three months now.
For me, classes start in a little over 5 weeks. Every year before this I was dreading school starting, but I'm really anxious for this semester. Maybe I've spent too much time in the studyspo tags on tumblr? Whatever caused my change of heart, I'm perfectly content with it. And so today's post will be two book bag reviews and a 'what's in my bag' / school supplies haul, because I don't plan on keeping all of this stuff in my bag.
*this post is picture heavy!*